Cheaper, Quicker, and Safer Extraction

We produce the top plant oil extraction machinery.

About PURE5™ Extraction

The most cutting-edge hemp oil processing business is PURE5™. We have raised the bar for the extracted terpene business with our advanced extraction tools and exclusive method of extracting botanicals with little degradation to the natural ingredients.

What Makes Our Extraction Equipment Superior?

We encapsulated the advantages of COMERG’s PURE5™ devices in just three words: safer, faster, and less expensive. That’s a lot to live up to, but compared to using C02, butane, propane, or ethanol, our machines can provide your business with a better process and greater final products at a far lower cost.


The most cutting-edge manufacturer of botanical extraction tools with a focus on hemp and cannabis is PURE5™. Our advanced technology has raised the bar for the cannabis business by delicately extracting botanicals and delivering full natural potency.

R134a Extraction Systems (LPE)

LPE Extraction Equipment

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Ethanol Extraction Systems (EtOH)

1500L Ethanol Extraction Equipment

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Lab Equipment

Test Lab Equipment Systems & Post Processing

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Remediation Systems

Remediation Equipment

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The Best Way to
Extract Oil from Plants.

More Products & Services

Hire us to make clear whole plant concentrates with your material. Use our remediation service to remove the intoxicating part from your extract turning it into pure distillate oil. In addition, you can choose from a selection of compliant concentrates ranging from distillate to live resin.

Why Choose Our
Technology Over CO2.

“Low Pressure Extraction Equipment Because it can deliver higher yields than CO2 technology in a fraction of the time and costs far less to buy and operate than CO2 machines, PURE5’s  Low Pressure Extraction Equipment is a game-changer for the oil extraction business.”  – Chief Executive Officer, George Stantchev, PhD

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